Saturday, February 6, 2016

"New Birth" Maternity Shoot

I had the pleasure of doing a maternity shoot with my friend Kendall. I have done a maternity shoot before, but that was before I started doing epic cosplay compositing. I was look ing forward to this shoot especially since it is so different than regular cosplay composites.

The first image I created was focused on her and her belly. I wanted to spice up the image with some beautiful color pallets that would compliment her gorgeous blue dress. Kendall requested a Mother Nature feel to the images so that's what I did. These first 2 really give off the love! She also requested waterfall backgrounds. The first image on the left I made the light come in from the right. The image on the right I made the light come in from behind giving it that powerful yet beautiful look.

This next Image was done the be a landscape to show off the beautiful fabric blowing in the wind. I also added a castle and flocks of birds in the background to add a little interest to the area near her face. I made sure the fabric curved in such a way that it draws the viewers eye around the canvas and back around to her. 

This shoot went fabulous mainly because Kendall is such a great friend and fun to work with. I wish her the best with her new baby and can't wait to shoot with her again. You can see more Maternity photos in my gallery.

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