Sunday, January 24, 2016

The Force is Strong in Houston

I admit it! I'm a Star Wars Nerd. Star Wars was the first nerdgasm experience I have ever experienced as a kid. I love everything about it! So when I heard about Ashliee's little event I naturally reached out and said hey can I be one of the photographers? And boom (like the deathstar) I was in!

I was really in awe of all the cosplayers and their valiant cosplay skills. Everyone really was a pleasure to work with. The first shot of the day was the big group shot overlooking the city of Houston. The group shot didn't take long to shoot and it came out great. Everyone looked so awesome! The Force is strong in Houston!

I also did a special group photo of the Mandalorian Mercs that were there. I can't wait to get my armor done! Hail to Mandalore!

We finished off the group shoot with a massive battle scene shot. Dark Side v.s. Light Side. This composite took me a while to complete. I made sure there was lots of blaster fire and explosions. 
Here the rest of the shots. I enjoyed myself a lot with this shoot and made a lot of new friends! May the Force be with you all!

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