Thursday, February 18, 2016

The Loud Assassin

Model Mechelle was very good at quickly striking different poses. Her natural ability to strike a pose and move smooth and quick helped me to get the perfect shots efficiently. This shoot was hilarious because every time Mechelle moved her arms in a 90 degree angle her Assassin's Creed bracers kept sliding off and hitting the ground. They must of hit the floor 5 or 6 times. I told her "Assassin's aren't loud." We both laughed and blamed it on Amazon which is where we purchased the bracers. Mechelle did awesome with this shoot despite the mishap with the bracers.

This shoot went very well and we captured some great images. We used the ladder a lot to get the effect that she was either climbing a wall or jumping down onto her next target.

The composites came very natural to me because I remember playing the Assassin's Creed video game. I remember birds in the game and thought it would be cool to add birds as to hint at that the Assassin always seemed to have a birds-eye view of the city.

Mechelle and I have already made plans to do a future shoot as Kenway from Assassin's Creed III. So stay tuned for some very patriotic shots!

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