Sunday, May 8, 2016

Sailor Moon & Frozen Shoot

I had a blast with Megan Booth shooting two really cool cosplays. We first shot Disney's FROZEN Elsa cosplay. I really enjoyed creating the snow FX and making the image look cold and frozen. I loved how the images turned out!
We also shot her as Sailor Moon. I tested out a few things with her hair. Since Sailor Moon always has flowing hair in the tv show I thought we should try to blow it around a bit. I tried using an industrial fan but it wasn't flowing like I wanted. I then used some chip clips to hold her hair up attaching them the the light stands and positioning them the way I wanted. This gave me more control of the hair and made the final images look awesome.
tried using an industrial fan but it wasn't flowing like I wanted. I then used some chip clips to hold her hair up attaching them the the light stands and positioning them the way I wanted. This gave me more control of the hair and made the final images look awesome.

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