Friday, May 27, 2016

Space City Comic Con 2016

Space City Comic Con 2016 was an interesting experience. It was my 2nd comic con experience.
Don't get me wrong I had an awesome time, but as you may know there were some not so good things that happened at Space City Comic Con that shouldn't have happened at all.

Here is a video I created of the experience I had at Space City Comic Con 2016 minus all the drama.

Besides all the Drama I had a great time meeting new cosplayers, hanging with old friends, and diving into the world of cosplay via Video and photography. I managed capture quite a few cosplayers and here is what I ended up with.    
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Saturday, May 21, 2016

Raiding Tombs for Dragonballs

I had the pleasure of shooting a new model I haven't shot with before. Veronica Brightman is a fantastic model and we both had fun shooting 2 very unique cosplays. Rise of the Tomb Raider's Lara Croft and Dragonball Z's Android 18. 

Monday, May 9, 2016

A Massive shoot

I have been scheduling with Mechelle for several Months since her last shoot to do another shoot. We brainstormed a couple of cosplays that we thought were interesting enough to tackle. I wanted to make her trip worth while and picked several cosplays to develop.
This shoot was extremely large because of how many cosplays we wanted to tackle and the quality of some of the cosplays.

The first cosplay we chose was Assassin's Creed III Connor Kenway. I was waiting to do this one for a while and wanted recreate some of the famous poses from assassin's creed III. I took a while gather all the props and costume. I was lucky enough to find some really great weapon props on etsy. The famous Tomahawk, Bow and Arrow, and a flintlock pistol. I also managed to find a US Betsy Ross Flag that we also used as a prop. The Images came out fantastic! We then shot the Batman v.s. Superman Wonder Woman. This costume was really high quality hand crafted from an etsy store. It looked fantastic. We had a little problem getting it on because of the way it was designed as a corset. I had fun creating the scenes for this shoot.


Sunday, May 8, 2016

Sailor Moon & Frozen Shoot

I had a blast with Megan Booth shooting two really cool cosplays. We first shot Disney's FROZEN Elsa cosplay. I really enjoyed creating the snow FX and making the image look cold and frozen. I loved how the images turned out!
We also shot her as Sailor Moon. I tested out a few things with her hair. Since Sailor Moon always has flowing hair in the tv show I thought we should try to blow it around a bit. I tried using an industrial fan but it wasn't flowing like I wanted. I then used some chip clips to hold her hair up attaching them the the light stands and positioning them the way I wanted. This gave me more control of the hair and made the final images look awesome.
tried using an industrial fan but it wasn't flowing like I wanted. I then used some chip clips to hold her hair up attaching them the the light stands and positioning them the way I wanted. This gave me more control of the hair and made the final images look awesome.