The month of Halloween is the perfect time to get people to come into the studio with their cosplay (Halloween Costumes). My niece had picked out a darling devil costume for Halloween so I had her and her mom come over to the studio to shoot.

I had already done some research on some reference images with devils. But I thought the devil costume alone would not be enough. I had Hannah bring over 3 costumes. One being the devil, angel and her daily wear. This would help create a great composite of her looking at the devil and angel on her shoulders.
I then used her angel costume and repurposed it for several very different composites. That is one thing I learned from this shoot is that you can use one costume for a lot of different characters. I went ahead and used that costume for the angel, Cinderella, and Alice composites. I was very pleased with this shoot and gained some great experience.Type your paragraph here.
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